Detailed instructions how to prepare for colonoscopy are given when you book the examination. The process is called a bowel prep. Generally, all solids must be emptied from the gastrointestinal tract by following a clear liquid diet for 2 days before the procedure. Patients should not drink beverages containing red or purple dye. Acceptable liquids include:
- fat-free bouillon or broth
- strained fruit juice
- water
- plain coffee
- plain tea
- sports drinks, such as Gatorade
- gelatin
A laxative is required or the night before colonoscopy. A laxative is medicine that loosens stool and increases bowel movements. Laxatives are usually swallowed in pill form or as a powder dissolved in water. Occasionally enemas may also be required. Patients should inform the doctor of all medical conditions and any medications, vitamins, or supplements taken regularly, including:
- aspirin
- blood thinners
- diabetes medications
- iron tablets
Driving is not permitted for 12 hours after colonoscopy to allow the sedative time to wear off. Before the appointment, patients should make plans for a ride home. A companion must be always available as soon as the patient arrives to the clinic.